Adriel Visoto approaches painting as a way to materialize private, confessional and autobiographical narratives, exploring
the supports in small formats in an attempt to establish closer and intimate relationships with the viewer. He held the solo
exhibitions: Solitude Souvenirs at Mama Projects (New York, USA) and Estranho Comum at Verve Gallery (São Paulo,
Brazil), Não me espere para o jantar at Memorial Minas Gerais Vale (Belo Horizonte, MG) and Reality show (me) at Galeria
do Instituto de Artes da Unicamp (Campinas,Brazil). Participated recently in the group shows: Night, Light at Cob Gallery
(London, UK), Campo Aberto at Pivô Studios Program (São Paulo, Brazil), Paraíso dos Marrecos at Fonte (São Paulo, Brazil),
Retratos para um novo mundo at Casa da Luz (São Paulo, Brazil), Pinturas e Tangentes at Leo Bahia Arte Contemporânea
(Vitória, Brazil), Cálamo at Massapê Projeto (São Paulo, Brazil), Programa de Exposições at Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto
(Ribeirão Preto, Brazil), and many others. He obtained a scholarship from the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de
São Paulo (FAPESP) and was awarded the Young Artists Award from Memorial Minas Gerais Vale (Belo Horizonte, Brazil),
and the 1st Salão do Solar dos Andradas (São Paulo, Brazil), 12th Salão de Arte Contemporânea de Guarulhos (Guarulhos,
Brazil) and the 13th Mostra Interna da Escola Guignard (Belo Horizonte, Brazil). Visoto holds a BFA from Escola Guignard
(UEMG) and a MFA from Instituto de Artes (Unicamp).