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Guillermo Rubí

21.06.2024 - 14.07.2024

"How he wrote how i wrote how i wrote elastic man"

Guillermo Rubí will be exhibiting as part of CAN's OFF program at the Es Polvorín exhibition hall. The OFF program is an initiative of CAN Contemporary Art Now that promotes the dissemination of Balearic artists so that their work is shown in spaces of the islands, mainly between Formentera and Ibiza. 

Guillermo Rubí delves into the concept of identity, both individual and collective, through his diverse artistic practice. Exploring subcultures, he focuses on how these environments shape and reflect personal and collective narratives using installations, paintings, and sculptures. Rubi’s works encourage critical reflection on self-perception, engaging viewers intellectually and emotionally.

He recontextualizes logos, symbols, and slogans to highlight how societal narratives influence identity. The aesthetic of his pieces, often muted and restrained, challenges viewers to find meaning in what might seem incomplete. Music genres like punk, hardcore and post rock significantly influence Rubi’s work, adding a rebellious edge. This influence is evident in his stylistic choices, borrowing raw aesthetics from these genres to infuse his art with dynamic energy. His black and white geometrical paintings suggest minimalism but deeply investigate societal constructs, compelling viewers to consider the complex layers of identity in contemporary society. 

Paya Hotels, for the second consecutive year, reaffirms its strong commitment to Balearic artistic creation and to the strengthening and visibility of this sector through its support of the OFF CAN 2024 Program. This program not only promotes Balearic talent, but also seeks to connect Ibiza and Formentera through art.

In collaboration with Galeria Pelaires. 

Es Polvorí, Baluarte de Santa Lucía

Baluard de Santa Llúcia, 1
07800  Ibiza
lslas Baleares
 lles Balears