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Mondo Galería

25.06.2024 - 01.07.2024

"Ibicenco IX Eterno" 

MONDO GALERÍA presents Ibicenco IX "Eterno" as the ninth edition of its annual exhibition curated by Diego Alonso and Alexeja Pozzoni. This exhibition was born in 2015 as a tribute to an Ibizan way of being, behaving, and thinking, which is not exclusive to the island of Ibiza but has over time transcended to become a state of being recognized internationally.

This year, under the theme "Eterno" (Eternal), the curatorial proposal plays with memory, tradition, and the presence of the past. To this end, they present an unpublished collection of original photographs of Ibiza from the 1940s, which were randomly found in a dusty suitcase at the Rastro in Madrid.

Over the years, this exhibition has taken place in various iconic spaces in Ibiza to pay respect to Ibizan architecture and contrast it with contemporary art. The chosen space for this year's installation is the old "Trull" (oil mill) of Balafia, courtesy of Can Quince, surrounded by the unique 13th-century citadel with its defense towers and strategic location in the center of the island, a short distance from San Lorenzo. The Poblet de Balafia is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

During the opening of the exhibition, visitors will be able to enjoy sound and poetic performances related to the native culture, as well as experimental gastronomy related to the past and present of the Pityusic Islands.



Hotel Can Quince,