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Charity Project

26.06.2024 - 30.06.2024

We are delighted to announce a unique and impactful charity project at CAN Art Fair. CAN Art and Archivorum, in collaboration with Associazione Arte Continua, are bringing art and conservation together in an unprecedented way. You can find the project inside the fair at Booth S2, which will feature artworks donated by Associazione Arte Continua and artists' books donated by Archivorum. These pieces will be available through an online auction.

By collaborating with artists from around the world, we create a sustainable support network for local charities.

Discover the power of art with The Art for Balearic Regeneration Project, an initiative to support Balearic Island communities through creativity and philanthropy. We believe that art can inspire change, foster community and drive regeneration. By collaborating with artists from around the world, we create a sustainable support network for local charities. Each year, a jury selects new NGOs and organizations to ensure fresh perspectives on community support. Through art exhibitions, auctions and projects, we fund programs that address social problems, promote cultural heritage and improve the quality of life for residents. From education and healthcare to the preservation of natural beauty, our goal is to make a lasting difference.

Beneficiaries of the Art for the Regeneration of the Balearic Islands 2024 Project: Kofi Matters, Save Posidonia Project and TrashFormation.

Save the Olives (Italy) wants to activate specific projects to raise awareness about the conservation of ancient and majestic olive trees. STO supports the grafting of century-old olive trees, which is the only concrete solution to save them, thus protecting a unique heritage in the world. 

The proceeds will go to the charities Save the Olives and Art For Balearic Regeneration Project. The funds raised will ensure that each organization receives crucial support for their programs.

The Todolí Citrus Foundation (Spain) is participating in the project through the auction of its own collection of 14 works by internationally renowned artists. The Foundation aims to enrich its own citrus collection, which acts as a nucleus for research, dissemination and education on agricultural, environmental, historical, culinary and industrial topics. All funds from this lot will go directly to the foundation, highlighting its unique contribution to the project.

The entire project is made possible thanks to the support of Archivorum (Luxembourg) and the generous donations of Associazione Arte Continua (Italy).


CAN Art Ibiza (FECOEV)

Crta. Ibiza a San Antonio 
Km1 07800
Islas Baleares

Booth S2