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CAN Talk I: Art & Sustainability: Beyond the Canvas


On Thursday, June 27th, 7pm, CAN Art will host a talk centered around the intersection of art and sustainability, spotlighting the ethical responsibility to prevent the exploitation of locations that host art fairs and events. This significant discussion will bring together representatives from Archivorum, Associazione Arte Continua, Art for Balearic Regeneration, and Save the Olives, all of whom have collaboratively contributed to a charity project currently in progress.

The event aims to delve into the relationship between artistic endeavors and environmental management, examining how art institutions and events can operate harmoniously with their surroundings. The speakers will provide insights into their respective projects, highlighting their commitment to fostering sustainability and supporting local communities.

Archivorum will discuss their initiatives in documenting and preserving cultural heritage. Associazione Arte Continua will share their experiences in promoting public art while actively engaging in ecological and social responsibility. CAN Art will outline their ongoing efforts to integrate sustainability into their programming and operational practices. Save The Olives will shed light on their work in protecting Apulia’s natural environment, illustrating how art can serve as a powerful tool for advocacy and conservation, through the project of the online auction taking place inside the fair.

This talk promises to be a compelling exploration of how the art world can lead by example in promoting sustainability and art can drive positive change beyond the confines of galleries and fairs. 

Mario Cristiani (President, Associazione Arte Continua),
Alice Rigo Saitta (Outreach Officer, Archivorum),
Patrizio Ziggiotti (General Secretary, Save The Olives),
Dihue Miguens (Kofi Matters para Art For Balearic Regeneration)

in conversation with Francesca Pini (Journalist).

CAN Art Ibiza (FECOEV)

Crta Ibiza a San Antonio
Km1 07800
Islas Baleares