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Santi Moix at MACE Museum

13.06.2024 - 15.11.2024

Santi Moix “La scoperta del fuoco”

Creation, according to various accounts, is the result of a divine order. Ovid, in “The Metamorphoses”, narrates how a god orders the formation of the earth, while in Genesis, God creates vegetation on earth. This theme of creation is revived in the exhibition of Santi Moix (Barcelona, 1960) in the Sala de Armas of the MACE.

The installation, in situ, represents a birth; a vegetal paradise that makes concrete reference to the autochthonous flora of Ibiza. A genesis of the island's nature where flowers and plants intertwine their stems and emerge in season with all their overflowing chromaticism, which constitutes an allegory of the primordial creative act.

Moix's exhibition, “La costa dels mosquits. Una antològica (1998-2022)", held at the Fundació Vila Casas, presents exuberant paintings of vegetal themes that seek to create forms parallel to reality, moving away from pure naturalism. His drawings of Menorca, made in pencil and charcoal, stand out for their chromatic austerity and detailed mannerism, representing a melancholic and eroded landscape.

At MACE, Moix uses a specific fabric called Tyvek for his juxtaposed pictorial compositions, creating a total unity of meaning. This enveloping approach allows us to feel part of the paradise he recreates, based on the local flora that Moix has studied and captured in his works. This commitment to natural reality reflects his defense of the ecosystem and his respect for the beauty and fragility of the environment.

The installation at MACE invites an immersive experience, evoking nature as a source of inspiration and recalling the symbolism of each flower and plant. Moix's work is enriched by his detailed observation of the Ibizan landscape, capturing its essence and transforming it into art that celebrates life and nature.

Opening 13.06 · 19 h 


Ronda Narcís Puget s/n
Islas Baleares