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CAN Talk IV: Ibiza Contemporary


Ibiza Contemporánea: Past, present and future of the situation and development of contemporary culture in Ibiza.

Within the framework of the contemporary art fair CAN Art IBIZA 2024 a round table is proposed to introduce us to the debate on the experience of art in Ibiza from a close and didactic point of view.

The discussion is generated around the situation and development of contemporary culture in Ibiza, the changes that arise in the ecosystem of contemporary art and a society in transition.

Based on a current approach, we analyze the challenges that the transition of artistic proposals is generating hand in hand with social changes and the idiosyncrasy and identity of Ibiza itself. 

Sunday June 30th at 1:30pm

Elena Ruiz Sastre, directora del museo MACE en Ibiza. 

Guillermo Romero, director de la galería Parra & Romero en Ibiza and Madrid.
Guillermo Fornes, artista con raíces ibicencas.
Sergio Sancho, director y fundador de CAN Ibiza Art Fair

CAN Art Ibiza (FECOEV)

FECOEV (Fairgrounds)
Crta. Ibiza a San Antonio
Km1 07800
Islas Baleares