Raphael Brunk’s new series of works begins with an associative process of the artist,
where he describes a scene to an AI program, which then represents it as a photograph. This is the starting point for his artistic process. In the first step, Brunk reworks the resulting scene on the computer, emphasizes elements, softens structures, or changes the spatiality. After printing, Raphael Brunk reinterprets this motif with acrylic, oil, and crayon. By intuitively bringing out colors and textures, he adds a new dimension to the painting.
In this new series of works, he is ostensibly concerned with the more direct interaction with his canvas. The visible, human, component.
Thus, the “cultivated coincidence of an AI meets the intuitive creative process of painting”.
Raphael Brunk (* 1987, DE) lives and works in Frankfurt, Germany.
He graduated from the Freie Kunst at the Academy of Arts in Düsseldorf, as a master student in the class of Andreas Gursky.