In his paintings Julius Hofmann works with a combination of both calculation and intuition, combined with a lot of routine and discipline, but generally it is highly process based. In his work process there is still a lot of change happening over time, so things transform in between. But, this fluid process is what keeps him going, and he believes without a playful adventurous approach, the outcome also isn’t that entertaining. Julius Hofmanns works are characterised by a melancholic mood which gets imprinted onto each painting, independent of the motif. He chooses the painted elements because he is fascinated by them, only being able to analyse them in hindsight. Setting the mood is mostly a vehicle, as he is more interested in the “how” than the “what”. For him, these sometimes morbid depictions are a form of managing his own (but universal) fears. While getting materialised in the brushwork, these inner threatening images loose their power, and instead one gains control over them.