Born 1987, lives and works in Cape Town, South Africa. He graduated from the Michaelis School of Fine Art in Cape Town, South Africa. With his vibrant felt collages, Cape Town artist Jody Paulsen translates contemporary icons, clichés, and slogans of consumerism into his own understanding of popular culture using visual cues. The striking juxtaposition of abstract dra- maturgy and sensual lightness takes on a unique role: Wave-like patterns merge with nar- rative scenes that indulge in a vibrant color composition. Allegorical images of bouquets of flowers, the fragments of which are so artfully arranged that with the help of the viewer's imagination they come together to form the appearance of a portrait, exert the effect of pareidolia. In the midst of individual flowers, unidentifiable in the real world, spring eyes that evoke the as- sociation of a strange figure. The artist enjoys arranging patterns, textures and color, impro- visationally, until a precise and at the same time delicate summary of different pieces can be read as a symbol, while the composition of each work evokes a familiarity of repetition.