

Portugal, b. 1978

Lives and works in São Paulo, Brazil

Tiago Mestre graduated from the Lisbon School of Architecture in 2001 and furthered his studies with the MAUMAUS Independent Visual Art Studies Program in 2008 and the Ar.co Advanced Course in Painting in 2009. He earned a Master's degree in Architecture from the University of São Paulo (FAU-USP) in 2016.

For the past twelve years, he has lived in São Paulo, blending his background in architecture with contemporary art through painting, sculpture, and installation. His work often evolves from residencies at notable institutions like Gasworks in London (2019), Kaaysá – Art Residency in Boiçucanga (2018), and PIVÔ-Arte e Pesquisa in São Paulo (2016).

A highlight of his career is the 2014 project "All the things you are" at Kunsthalle São Paulo, where he created sculptures in real-time with clay over 21 days. His work explores the interplay between planned and spontaneous creation, using materials such as clay, bronze, plaster, and paint.

Recent solo exhibitions include "Empire" at LAMB Gallery (London, 2022), "Smoke gets in your eyes" at Kupfer Projects (London, 2019), and "Noite. Inextinguível, inexprimível noite." at Galeria Millan (São Paulo, 2017). Notable group exhibitions include "Pequenas pinturas" at auroras (São Paulo, 2022), "Uma mão lava a outra" at Olhão (São Paulo, 2022), and "Jardim das delícias. Juízo final" at Galeria Cavalo (Rio de Janeiro, 2018).