Julien Saudubray was born in Paris in 1985. He lives and works in Brussels. Julien has studied Fine Art at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Paris, in Paris, France. He has had residencies at MAAC, Brussels, Fondation CAB, Brussels, and Fondation Boghossian, Brussels amongst others. Recent solo shows have been at Anna Zorina in Los Angeles, USA (2022) and at NBB Gallery, Berlin, Germany (2022), COB Gallery, London, UK (2023) and Valerius Gallery, Luxembourg (2023). Recent group shows have been at Carvalho Park Gallery, New York, USA (2024), Les Îles Mardi, Bruxelles, BE (2023), and Liga Pontos, Tropigalpão, Rio de Janeiro, BR (2023).
Julien Saudubray‘s practice is rooted in an extensive experimentation with the parameters that de ne painting as an autonomous artistic medium. Instead of accepting the rigid notions, juxtapositions and categorisations that make up the canon of painting, his work is fuelled by an interest in mixing up abstraction, guration as well as the objecthood of painting. Saudubray‘s work undertakes a systematic deconstruction of painting, not to destroy but to dislocate and build a critique in motion. In Julien Saudubray‘s work the process is much more important than the resulting image. He reduces his subjectivity to a mecanic gesture. He focuses on reactions on paper and canvas, and observes the physical reactions between pigment and materials. The very dilluted layers of paint bring about an instability of the image - with every new layer trying to erase the former layer or putting a new one. Fearing the aesthetic separations that are still compelling professional painters the artist has been trying to change forms in order to experience abstraction, guration or even painting as object, using it as a raw material, a colored liquid or a source of light. The multiple conceptual meanings of the medium have always been passionating him, much more than having a painter status. He reduces his own subjectivity to a mecanic gesture and the layers of colour as a meaningful sweeping from left to right on a de ned format. The artist is attempting to reduce painting to an action, a verb, sweeping, sanding, wiping, adding. At the same time he becomes maker and spectator of his own work, freed from any thought and personal choice.