Georgia Theologou, born 1992 in Athens, Greece, has an Intergrated Master, from the Athens School of Fine Arts, 2021. "I am fascinated by the simplicity of the human form and the essence of colour and texture, and I want to display fragileness, introversion and sexuality. I consider the people I portray experiential beings, whose entire environment coexists with their inner world. I try to create an image that is grounded in reality, yet has the structure of emotion and memory I want to show that the realism of nature is interrupted by the expressionistic emotional flow and together they create a new world. In my paintings I depict human beings in their simple or strange moments while accepting the true self, between beauty and alienation. I usually photograph and then paint people that I know very well or passers-by whose psyche I strongly felt at that moment, and the space they are in becomes a part of their story. I photograph my personal models or people on the street."
Georgia is currently part of the exhibition "Unapologetic WomXn" during the 60th Venice Biennale, an all female groupshow with 34 artists on female sexuality and what it is to be a woman today, curated by Destinee Ross-Sutton at the European Cultural Center at Palazzo Bembo.